Autmn update

Quietening down after a long enjoyable season, general news and availabiiity

Coming to the end of a long season. So many guests have enjoyed stays in Mesyow Chy. It hasnt been the very best of summer weather but there have been some hot beach days mixed in with the not so great ones. With the biomass heating available all the time to guests it is easy to get warm and dry again and the spacious living area is good for chilling out in the evenings. Many of our guests have enjoyed meals at our friendly local The Crown Inn at Lanlivery, especially the Sunday roasts. Tim the Landlord also welcomes well behaved dogs there, with owners of course! The chef also caters for my gluten free needs (I am Coeliac) 

We had our usual extra curricular activities with Lostwithiel Carnival, Lanlivery Vintage Rally and the Rally horse show which is ably run by Becky and her army of volunteers.

We are getting Becky more involved in the running of things here, both the cottage and the farm. We are getting old and need to get away from time to time! Actually Clive will he 70 next month - how did that happen?! (Shh! dont tell him I told you!) We will undoubtedly still be here for much of the time.

We now also have our youngest, Martin, back from University of Manchester with a 1st Class degree in Psychology, and working in Redruth for on an NHS mental health team. His Canadian girlfriend the lovely Hayley is here too, currently working at Trewithen Dairy and loving the freebies that go with the job, especially the clotted cream!

Next week is half term and for the first time in many years we dont have anyone booked in. If you fancy bringing the family (or coming without them!) give us a call or message us and we will probably knock something off the online price. We can also take bookings of up to 28 days so if you fancy a quiet place to work on a project or work from home in warm spacious surroundings we would love to see you

The photo shows the flower bed outside the front of the house which resident Jane filled for me in the Spring. It has been a beautiful display all season long.

Cant do a blog without mentioning the animals - all doing well, but Jerry the goat is recovering from a tummy upset - clearly he ate something he should not have...The pigs and guinea pigs are fine, and our four hens are still laying 4 eggs a day - been doing that since February. We have a few muscovys on the pond, and now its autumn the wild ducks have returned - they are hungry... Not sure if I mentioned it but we lost dear old miniature horse Billy last year, he was a ripe old age. Jasmine however is still going strong, totally retired and enjoying her new role as lawn mower! (Well eating grass in various bits of field that needs keeping down)

Think that is all for now - will soon be thinking about Christmas I guess. 
